Vasken Ohanian – Composer, Conductor, Countertenor | VAOMusik Publishing
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Welcome! My name is Vasken Ohanian.
I’m a composer, conductor, and countertenor.


As an artist, I am fascinated by the depth and complexity of humanity expressed through music. I believe that music uniquely captures the essence of emotion and the human experience, and has the ability to connect us all, regardless of upbringing, culture, or background. I view every composition, every performance as an opportunity to sound the emotions I have in my heart with the hope that if it resonates with what you have in yours, we can become just a bit closer and continue joyfully into the world knowing we are not alone.


So please, stay a while. Enjoy some music. An advanced degree in Dodecaphony or Schenkerian Analysis is not required to do so. On this site you can hear my performances, listen to my music, and purchase scores. All I ask is that if you hear something that echos what you have in your heart, share it with the people you love.

‘Till an Asteroid,

Vasken Ohanian